Dear Friends,

This morning I was relistening to the Abraham NOW broadcast from Saturday (5/8/2021) and was so moved by the conversation around relationships.  Abraham lovingly reminds us that we have the power to transform any relationship in our life (romantic, business, personal, or parental) by creating lists of positive aspects.

“You don’t make lists of positive aspects in order to change him, you make lists of positive aspects so he can’t change you.”

Abraham goes on to explain that the reason they encourage us to make lists of positive aspects is to maintain our connection to Source Energy – because without that connection to Source Energy we don’t have anything to give.

“… Your ulterior motive isn’t to fix somebody or change somebody, it’s to resonate with the fullness of who you are — for then you have something to offer. You are an uplifter to the very core of your being. And you understand at the core of your being that in order to be an uplifter, you must be uplifted. Your Inner Being knows that so much that your Inner Being will never join you on the lower half of the (Emotional Guidance) Scale. In fact, friends, hear this — The only reason that it is possible for you to experience what you know as a negative emotion is because your Inner Being will never join you in those lower vibrations. Your Inner Being stays on the upper half of the scale no matter what, calling you upward.”

We are going to have another leading-edge discussion with Abraham this coming Saturday, 5/15/21. If you would like to join us, click here!

Our love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

PS: Please submit your questions for this broadcast by 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time the day before the broadcast.